The February 2013 edition of Tom Robertshaw’s quarterly eCommerce survey reports that Magento is the leading eCommerce platform among Alexa’s top one million sites for the third year in a row.
![在Alexa’s Top 10,000电商网站中,Magento是最领先的电子商务平台](/media/Magento/magento20130921.jpg)
The survey analyzed the platform signatures of the Alexa top one-million websites and found that 26% of them are using Magento. Not only is this a 30% increase in market share since the February 2012 report, it is almost triple the number of sites using the second and third place platforms. This year, the survey also looked at the top 100,000 busiest sites and found that Magento powers 28% of the store sites on that list, which is more than double the number of stores using our closest competition.
“Our business keeps growing for one simple reason,” says Magento founder, Roy Rubin. “Our customers are succeeding.”
Thanks again to Tom Robertshaw for this survey, and to all of the merchants, developers, partners and community members who have found success on Magento platforms.
About Tom Robertshaw’s Survey:
The survey takes the list of the top 1 million sites as provided by Alexa (an Amazon-owned company). It then fetches the HTML document for the home page and analyses against a library of over 225 platform signatures that have been written. The accuracy of the survey is being improved with each edition as signature rules are added and reviewed.